About Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale

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Entries by Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale


A Donation that Costs Nothing to You

Did you know a donation that costs nothing to you can create over 18,000 great futures at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale? Find out how to either decrease what you owe on your Arizona state taxes or increase your return by watching this brief video from one of our Club kids. Donate […]

Outreach Holiday Shopping

Last night 80 deserving youth at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale went holiday shopping at Target. Each child received a $125 gift card to buy clothes, toys and more! Thank you to all the volunteer shoppers who put huge smiles on all of these kids’ faces! Special shout out to Bob Rife […]

Youth of the Year

Youth of the Year is a program highlighting the “cream of the crop” of teen members of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale.  The Thunderbirds Branch is proud to showcase their wonderful representatives. From left to right: Tatum Causey, Senior, Veronica Fasolino, Sophomore, Daniel Duffy, Junior, and Allison Mertz, Junior; all students at […]

Teens Preparing to Give Back

National Adoption Day Sojourner Center On November 22nd, 2014 our teens will take part in National Adoption Day. This is a very special day for hundreds of foster care kids who will become part of a permanent family. Our teens will be part of the celebration of these adoptions by helping with carnival games and […]

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Foundation Announces New Executive Director

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale Foundation has announced the hiring of Kathy X. Kramer as their new Executive Director. Kramer brings more than 30 years of experience as a development officer with a focus on fundraising in health and human service settings including management, board relationships and strategic planning. Also, having grown […]

“An Attitude of Gratitude” Thanksgiving Dinner

The Thunderbirds Branch members and their families are excited to attend our very first Thanksgiving Dinner on Tuesday, November 25th from 6 pm – 7 pm.  The centerpiece of our dinning area is our handmade “Gratitude Tree” which stands 10 feet tall.  Parents and members alike have added gratitude leaves to the tree, detailing some […]

Intramurals at Copper Ridge Elementary School

The Thunderbirds Branch is thrilled to partner with Copper Ridge Elementary School in North Scottsdale for a new Intramural program.  Zachary Clark, a Thunderbirds Staff member will run intramural games each day during recess time.  Over 500 Copper Ridge students will get the benefit of Zach’s Boys & Girls Club training and expertise.  These intramural […]

3rd Annual Thanksgiving Dinner

The McKee Branch will be hosting it’s third annual Thanksgiving Dinner open to members of the Club and community on Tuesday, November 25th, 2014. The event will begin at 6:30 p.m.and end at 8:00 p.m. The Club will be supplying the turkey, drinks, and all the necessary tools to eat and are asking for parents […]

Shop and Drop

Let us take care of your kids while you shop for their Christmas gifts! The Barker Keystone Club is hosting a “Shop and Drop” late night event on Friday, Dec 19. Parents can drop off their children at 6:30 pm, and pick them up anytime before 10:30 pm. Staff will provide dinner, host games, make […]

Specialized Camps

Specialized Camps: Art Camp-Threads Lego Camp- Academy of Engineering Design Camp- Music Making and Photo Illustration The Piper Branch is getting ready to complete our first session of Specialized Camps, which have been a great success. The Camps that our members had the opportunity to participate in for the last few months included: Art Camp-Threads, […]